Garden beginning to bloom in May

May is here and spring is starting to come to an end whilst summer is getting closer. This month is where plant growth seems to speed up and everything comes into bloom. There is lots to do in May to keep your garden looking tidy, to get it ready for the summer months. You should start to see a difference in the weather with more sunshine and the temperatures slowly rising, which means there are lots of opportunities for you to be out in the garden.

1.Hardening off plants – summer bedding

2.Tidy up Perennials

3.Tidy up the foliage of spring bulbs

4.Plant hanging baskets and patio containers

5.Mulch strawberries

6.Feed raspberry plants

7.Plant courgettes and cucumbers

8.Sow tomatoes outdoors

9.Keep on top of pests, slugs and snails

10.Trim and feed topiary

Last chance jobs for May:

Bulbs to plant in May

With the summer nearly upon us, if you haven’t finished planting your summer flowering bulbs such as dahlia’s and gladioli, this is really the last opportunity you’ll have.

Check that your bulbs are healthy and throw away any that are rotting or soft to the touch.

 Sow half-hardy annuals

There’s still time to sow hardy annual seeds such as sunflowers directly where you want them to flower. Prepare the ground by removing all the weeds in the area so that the young seedlings don’t have to compete against the weeds.

Month of May Special Offer:

For the month of May we have a special offer on plants that are ideal for your hanging baskets or containers including Petunias, Verbenas and Calibroachia etc.

Enjoy 3 plants for €10, they are usually €3.99 each.

Enjoy 3 plants for €12, they are usually €4.99 each.

Enjoy 3 plants for €15, they are usually €5.99 each.


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